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आसुरी श्रीयंत्र को आप आसुरी लक्ष्मी कवच का विस्तृत स्वरूप कह सकते हैं! जिस प्रकार आसुरी लक्ष्मी कवच एक सामान्य व्यक्ति के लिए कार्य करता है, उसी तरह आसुरी श्रीयंत्र ऐसे लोगों के लिए अति लाभदायक है जिनका स्वयम का व्यापार है!

यदि आपके उपभोक्ता नहीं आ रहे, कम आ रहे या फिर व्यापार में मंदी चल रही हो तो आसुरी श्रीयंत्र बेहद कारगर है, जो कि ५ से १० वर्ष के लिए पूर्णतया प्रभावी है!

Aasuri Shri Yantra can be called the vide form of Siddh Aasuri Lakshmi Kawach. As Aasuri Lakshmi Kawach works properly for a Salaried person, likewise Aasuri Shri Yantra perfectly works for those who have their own business.

In a business, the businessman faces many kinds of problems like less income generation, loosing client, one time client etc, that degrades the graph of his business, as a result the the businessman gets worried all the time and is unable to pay the right attention to his business, as must be given.

If you are also facing such kinds of problems in your business, Shivkeshi Vishnath would like to suggest you to go for the Aasuri Shri Yantra, so that you may come out of your business problems & avail the right profit that you really deserve.